Maricopa County EGC Rejects National Popular Vote

On Wednesday February 3, 2016 in Maricopa County, Arizona Maricopa County Republican Committee Executive Guidance Committee rejected a request to endorse the National Popular Vote by a landslide. Upon motion, the EGC, composed of all legislative district chairs, expressed their disdain for the NPV challenge to America.

When admonished that the Communist Party USA platform called for abolishing the Electoral College and implementing a “direct popular vote for president”, NPV’s Arizona operative Constantin Querard replied, “Communism is dead!”

That Communism is dead is very nice to know because now all the house churches in China are finally free to come out in the open, Russia can abandon its goal of global conquest and perpetual war can finally rest. Yeah, right. Now we know CQ’s true allegiance is to his clients of every stripe, including Soros and the Communist Party USA!


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